Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Love, like a beautiful picture, requires the embellishment of an appropriate frame and proper lighting. It requires cultivation and food, just as does the physical body. Love does not thrive on indifference, nagging, fault-finding or domineering by either party. Love thrives best where a man and his wife feed it through singleness of purpose.
The husband has the responsibility of earning the living, but the wife may have the responsibility of softening the shocks and the resistances which he will meet in connection with his occupation - a responsibility which the wife can discharge by planning a pleasant home-life, through whatever social activities may be fitting to her husband's calling.
The wife should see to it that home is the one place where her husband may lay aside his business or occupational cares and enjoy the ecstasies which only the love and affection and understanding of a wife can provide. The wife who follows this policy will be as wise as the sages, and richer in ways that count more than most Queens.
I would also caution a wife against allowing her maternal instinct to supplant her love for her husband, by transferring all of her love and affection to her children. This mistake has wrecked many homes, and it might well wreck any home if the wife neglects to guard against the error so many wives make of switching their love from their husbands to their children.
A woman's love, if it be the right kind of love, is sufficient in abundance to serve both the children and her husband; and it is a happy wife who sees to it that her love is sufficient to serve her husband and children generously, without unfair preference in favour of other.
Where love abounds as the basis of family Master Mind relationship, the family finances will not be likely to give cause for disturbance, for love has a way of surmounting all obstacles, meeting all problems and overcoming all difficulties.
Family problems may arise, and they do in every family, but love should be the master of them. Keep the light of love shining brightly and everything else shape itself to the pattern of your most lofty desires.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
The wife can coax her husband to do many things! The wife should take a keen interest in her husband's occupation. She should become familiar with every feature of it, and never overlook an opportunity to express a keen interest in every thing that concerns the source from which he earns his livelihood. And above all, she should not be one of those wives who say to their husbands, by inference if not by words, 'You bring house, the money and I will spend it, but don't bother me with the details as to how you earn it, for I am not interested in that.'
If a wife takes that attitude, the time will come when her husband will not be interested in how much money he brings home. I think the wives who are wise, understand what I mean.
When a woman marries she becomes the majority stakeholder in the firm. The wife who is wise will manage the firm's business by a carefully prepared budget, taking care not to spend more than the income will allow. Many marriages hit the rocks because the firm runs out of money. And it is no mere axiom to say that when poverty knocks on the front door love takes to its heel and runs through the backdoor. Watch out for Part 3.
Friday, December 20, 2019
The wife has more influence over husband than any other person. That is, she has this superior influence if she has made the most of her relationship to her husband. He chose her in marriage in preference to all other women of his acquaintance, which means she has his love and confidence.
Love heads the list of the nine basic motives of life which inspire all voluntary actions of people. Through the emotion of love the wife may send her husband to his daily labour in a spirit which knows no such reality as failure. But remember that 'nagging', jealousy, fault-finding and indifference do not feed the emotion of love. They kill it.
Every meal hour should be a period of friendly intercourse between the wife and her husband. They should not be converted into periods of inquisition and fault-finding, but rather should be converted into periods of family worship, during which there will be good cheer, and discussion of pleasant subjects of mutual interest to the husband and wife.
More family relationships are wrecked at the family meal hour than any other time, for this is the hour which many families devote to settling their family differences of opinion, to disciplining the children. Look forward to Part 2.
Friday, December 13, 2019
The best thing to do is to have a definite purpose and set plans to achieve it. This will engage your mind thereby saving you from depression of being single. Be full of faith that your man will locate you. Don't be despaired of your situation no matter your age or what you did in the past. Be optimistic and full of life.
Boost your knowledge and understanding by reading books, attending seminars and workshops. Adequately prepare yourself for your man. Keep building good character and do away with unprofitable ones. Following the wise quote of Abraham Lincoln which says, "I will study and prepare myself and some day my chance will come." Your chance of getting married will come. The question is, if the right man comes, what character will you put up to keep him? Don't forget that your beauty can attract a man but it takes your character to keep him.
Go to gathering where men can see you. Avoid triangular life (work, church and home). Attend programs, go for jogging, go to the gym, go to cinema, picnic etc. I will advice you to leave a church where there are many married, teenagers or children but very few youths. Church is a great social gathering where you can easily meet your life partner. Attend a youth church, that is, church with more youths than elders.
Lastly, be spiritual. Use your waiting period to build your spritual life by listening to messages, studying your bible and praying. Be faithful in attending church programs especially Sunday service and Bible Study. Very soon, your God ordained man will find you.
For counseling or questions, call or WhatsApp this no: 08103085171.
Look forward to hearing from you. Thanks.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
STAY HUNGRY, STAY HUMBLE..... The word of the 2x Heavy Weight Champion of Boxing, Anthony Joshua who came from defeat to hero. Let's quickly do the analysis of this powerful and profound statement made by him.
What does it mean to stay hungry? It means self-discipline, focus, adequate preparation , never-give-up attitude. It also means discipline in the type of food to eat, when and the number of times to eat in a day. Discipline in doing exercises like jugging, weightlifting, cycling, boxing in the ring etc.
These painful exercises for body building were done everyday. He wasn't distracted by noises from other boxers who wanted a fight with him but focused on only one fight with Andy Ruiz. He stayed focus for months in spite of shame and humiliation of defeat in New York. He didn't give up but exerted more effort by preparing adequately. This made him lose 11 pounds. To be a champion is not a joke.
What does it mean to stay humble? It means humility of heart after victory or defeat. He was so humble to learn from his mistakes and improved on his skills. He was so humble enough not to give excuses but rather worked harder. He was so humble enough to suffer humiliation of going back to the ring for training in order to gain back his victory. He even went for more courses in boxing which made him see boxing as a science.
When he was asked his #1 fight, he said the one he lost to Andy Ruiz and presented this fight he won as #2. He said the previous fight taught him many lessons he used to win this new fight. I also love Andy Ruiz. He admitted his faults of gaining more weight and not preparing well. He gave no excuse for losing that he would go back to lose more weight and become more fit for the 3rd fight - he actually called for 3rd fight.
AJ stayed HUNGRY by losing 11 pounds through discipline and adequate preparation while Ruiz stayed "BELLEFUL" by gaining more pounds through indiscipline. We can all see the difference in their scores (118 - 110, 119 - 109).
There are many lessons to learn from this fight like:
- To stay hungry and humble even after victory.
- Not allowing fame and accolades of men enter your head or else you'll nose dive.
- Champions admit their errors and don't give excuses. They would rather go back for adequate preparation and improved on their skills as far as going for more courses.
Don't forget this word...... STAY HUNGRY, STAY HUMBLE.
For counseling or questions, call or WhatsApp this no: 08103085171.
Look forward to hearing from you. Thanks.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Holy Book says "To everything there's a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven. A time to get , and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away. A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace". It offers that there is a time to accept a man's proposal and a time to reject it. There's a time to have many male friends and a time to let them go. Some ladies have lost their men because of being ignorant of time. They are not like men of Issachar who knew time and season. A lady in university rejecting men's proposals especially those in 200L upward is ignorant of the time to love. She might reject men's proposals because of the following reasons:
I. Too young for a relationship.
II. Fear of premarital sex.
III. Having the mentality of reaching 400 or 500L before dating or courting.
IV. Church/Fellowship rule (some EXCOS on campus are not allowed to go into relationships until they finish their tenures).
These have brought delay in marital destinies of some ladies. Also, some have lost their potential husbands. Many are still not engaged after school. The rule of reaching certain level in university before going into a relationship is baseless. If the right man comes before the pre-determined level, what will the lady do? There are are two answers to the question. She might ask him to wait; she can say NO to his proposal. Men are not the same, some easily get tired of waiting. Many ladies have delay in marriage or become completely single in life because of these. Some have rushed into marriage when they discovered age is not on their side. This has brought them into erroneous marriages.
Ladies, Listen attentively. Don't lose your husband on the basis of these rules. If he's the right man don't delay your "YES". Nobody is too small for a relationship as far as she is in university. Ladies who made such mistakes are still regretting.
The book of Isaiah says "And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, we will eat our own bread and provide our own apparel; only let us be called by your name to take away our reproach of being unmarried". It has started getting to that level in the world. Don't allow this prophecy to be fulfilled in your life. Young ladies, be wise!
For counseling or questions, call or WhatsApp this no: 08103085171.
Look forward to hearing from you. Thanks.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
This is one of the great write ups of the wisest king in the old testament. According to his CV, he had 300 wives and 700 concubines. No one has broken this record. If such a person gIves you advice of the danger of seductive and immoral women, I think you should listen. Let's enjoy the ride together.
For counseling or questions, call or WhatsApp this no: 08103085171.
Look forward to hearing from you. Thanks.
Dear friend, pay close attention to this , my wisdom; listen very closely to the way I see it. Then you'll acquire a taste for good sense; what I tell you will keep you out of trouble.
The lips of a seductive woman are oh so sweet, her soft words are oh so smooth. But it won't be long before she's gravel in your mouth, a pain in your gut, a wound in your heart. She's dancing down the primrose path to Death; she's headed straight for Hell and taking you with her. She hasn't a clue about Real Life, about who she is or where she's going.
So, my friend , listen closely; don't treat my words casually. Keep your dance from such a woman; absolutely stay out of her neighbourhood. You don't want to squander your wonderful life, to waste your precious life among the hard hearted . Why should you allow strangers to take advantage of you? Why be exploited by those who care nothing for you? You don't want to end your life full of regrets, nothing but sin and bones, saying, "Oh, why didn't I do what they told me? Why did I reject a disciplined life? Why didn't I listen to my mentors, or take my teachers seriously? My life is ruined! I haven't one blessed thing to show for my life!"
Do you know the saying, "Drink from your own rain barrel, draw water from your own spring-fed well"? It's true. Otherwise, you may one day come home, and find your barrel empty and your well polluted. Your spring water is for you and you only, not to be passed around among strangers. Bless your fresh-flowing fountain! Enjoy the wife you married as a young man! Lovely as an angel, beautiful as a rose --- don't ever quit taking delight in her body. Never take her love for granted! Why would you trade enduring intimacies for cheap thrills with a whore? For dalliance with a promiscuous stranger?
Mark well that GOD doesn't miss a move you make; he's aware of every step you take. The shadow of your sin will overtake you; you'll find yourself stumbling all over yourself in the dark. Death is the reward of an undisciplined life; your foolish decisions trap you in a dead end.
For counseling or questions, call or WhatsApp this no: 08103085171.
Look forward to hearing from you. Thanks.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The wisest king who ever lived in the old testament penned down this powerful word in one of his books ... "Do not arouse love before its time". It offers that there's time love becomes real and comes into existence. Nobody can force its arrival. Let's quickly use it to draw lessons and instructions from the story of Davido and His baby mammas. You know knowledge can come from anywhere. It can come from circumstances, experience, environment, nature or happenings of life. This knowledge I'm about to share comes from the latest gist in town --- the delivery of Chioma of a bouncing a baby boy. I guess you know how Davido went crazy by celebrating his wife and his new boy on social media. Calling her "her strong wife; that he loves her so much" Saying "Omo Oba de" meaning the son of a king has arrived.
The question is, is this his first child? You know he has other children from other women before Chioma but he celebrated none like this. This reminds me of the great write up by the King what was named "a man after God's heart". He wrote, "To which angel did God say sit at my right hand until I make your enemy your footstool". But our heavenly Father said this to His beloved Son. Ladies, listen. Hearken to this instruction. Do not ignore this wise saying ---- "if a guy doesn't love you, he won't celebrate you. You had better don't believe the saying that "guys don't love; they are stronghearted". Na lie o. If a guy like Davido can love and even make it public, any guy can love a lady in million ways.
If you like get pregnant. Even give birth to a child who his his carbon copy. If he doesn't love you , he doesn't love you. There's nothing you can do about that. He will only be giving you money because of his child. The only thing that will be bringing you together is the child. Not intimacy; not love. I know you want more than that. I heard Davido went to see his baby mammas with Chioma. Maybe officially introducing his wife to them. You know all of them will be full of envy and pain because of the way he's crazy about Chioma. The truth is, allow a guy to love you. Do not arouse his love before time. Allow him do the chasing. Stop being desperate because he's a celeb or rich guy by looking for ways to get pregnant for him.
Many of these celebrities with different baby mammas didn't plan for it. It might be when they were drunk they had unprotected sex with those ladies. This might the reason they often rejected the pregnancy at first but DNA will always reveal the truth. Most of the time, they are angered and embittered. That might be one of the reasons they don't want anything to do with those ladies again.
Wise up lady. Don't give yourself unnecessary headaches and sorrow. Don't throw yourself on a guy who doesn't love you. It doesn't worth it. The regret or pain is more than the ecstacy of being with a celebrity or a rich person. You're more valuable than being a side chick or baby mamma. I know poverty is in the land. People are looking for ways to be rich and popular. But do it in a right way. It may be late but it'll bring great pleasure and joy. Who told you you can't make your own money and be popular like Linda Ikeji. Look inward and unearth that hidden gift of yours. Work on it; turn it skill and start using it to make the world a better place. That's how to make your light shine to the world. When the world sees your good work, they will not only glorify God but also bring cash to your doorstep. As our our heavenly Father is glorified , you too will be glorified by fame, riches, honour and beauty. I hope there's a shift in your mentality now. Remember, don't be a side chick or baby mamma but be a woman of strength and virtues; goal-getter and hardworking. Your LOVE COACH.
For counseling or questions, call or WhatsApp this no: 08103085171.
Look forward to hearing from you. Thanks.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
If your eye is single your whole body will be full of light. This is one of the parables of our Saviour. There is power in focusing on one thing. There is great power in having one woman. It brings greater blessing than having string of women. It leads to focus in life and destiny. It gives clarity of vision and purpose. As a man, you don't need to love a million women in one way, you just need to love one woman in a million ways.
Having one woman makes a man to be creative and innovative because of greater peace and joy he enjoys (speaking of having a good woman because some ladies are hell themselves. I am not talking about such ladies). Back to our discussion. Women are wonderful if you know how to do things that give them joy. If you press the right button, your woman can turn a room to a mansion; she can turn a company to a conglomerate or an empire - don't underestimate the power of women because you are relating with the most influential beings on earth.
Be a man of one wife, girlfriend or fiancée. I know what you are thinking - that will be boring, am I right? If you can heed to this advice , it will save you a lot of headches. This is also applicable to ladies. Some ladies also keep string of boyfriends - be a lady of one man. Understood? Good. Men who date many ladies are most of the times poor managers of money. Most of them are spendthrifts like the prodigal son in the bible. Such man will want to satisfy all of his women in terms of gifts and money because of this "thing" ..... I guess you know what I mean.
This kind of man is always unfaithful and liars in order to keep up with his game. He's calculative for fear of being caught. I pity such man. What he will lose will be more than the pleasure of sex he will enjoy. He also finds it hard to marry on time because of pleasure of tasting different girls. Be wise!!! Don't be a victim.
For counseling or questions, call or WhatsApp this no: 08103085171.
Look forward to hearing from you. Thanks.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Money and gift are not the same. These look similar to men but women know the difference. Guy, don't equate money to gift or gift to money. I pray you know the difference. We are quick to be deceived by the money we give to our women thereby ignoring the gift aspect. Be wise. Don't wait till your woman give you trouble before your eyes open. I can relate well with this because I am talking from experience. I am giving you the wisdom of the ages.
Also, don't allow over familiarity hinder you from taking your woman out. Even after all the gifts and money, women still want to be taken out. Be smart about this. You might be saying, "Eehen, I do send her money; what does she want again? I can't kill myself o". Oga, calm down. These three things: gift, money and going out may look similar to you but ladies know the difference. Listen to your woman when she complains. Don't be strongheaded. Then, you will have heaven on earth relationship, peaceful and lovely atmosphere you ever dreamed of.
Saturday, October 5, 2019
A man is a leader and manager of the family. The wife is the co-leader and co-manager. A man should not leave the mangement of home to his wife. A woman is a help-meet. She is meant to stand in the position of Vice-President helping you in any or your undertaking. As a leader of the home, you must be able to envision the future. What this means is that you must set goals for your marriage - where you want your relationship or family to be in the next few years. This will bring about improvement in your home.
Your wife and children should not be left out in realising these set-goals. You must be able to sell the future to them effectively till they can clearly see it and run together with you in realising it. Don't forget to give roles to your wife and children, that is, the roles each of them will play in achieving the set-goals. You have to know the strengths of each member of your family because the roles must harmonise with their strengths.
Create a right environment for each member of your family to carryout their tasks. Don't practise autocratic style of leadership; be democratic in your approach. This will enable them to perform their roles effectively. Environment entails the culture you uphold in your family. Culture of high performance, excellence, persistence and love should be upheld in your home. This is very important . Culture will determine whether they will execute their plans with high performance and love.
Remember, you're a leader. Be seriously involved. Don't be too busy. Your wife and children are looking up to you. If you're unserious in executing the plans, they will also be unmotivated to do anything. Be wise.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Some people think they can use gifts to bribe their partners after raining words of abuse on them. Nobody needs your gift after badmouthing them. Gifts become more valuable with kind words. Let's quickly go through the pages of scripture for the story of Jacob and Esau. Jacob sent gifts to Esau his brother to pacify him of cheating him of his birthright. You know that Esau had sworn to kill him. The gifts were nothing to Esau; he might have seen them as a bribe or way of deceptively robbing him. The gifts might even intensify the pain of losing his birthright thereby making him angrier.
However, the moment Esau heard the humble voice of Jacob seeking for his forgiveness by the way he spoke and prostrated seven times before he met him, his anger was pacified; his heart melted. He had compassion upon his brother. Thereby bringing about the fulfillment of this scripture, "A soft answer turneth away wrath; but grievous words stir up anger". His gifts couldn't have pacified Esau.
Kind words work more wonders than gifts. They give weight and value to any gift you give out to your partner or people. Remember, they are not beggars. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Love you so much.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Holy Book says, "Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. The right words are better than gifts of money and all earthly gifts. Kind words cheer people up; and bring out the best in them.
In your relationship especially marriage use kind and helpful words. Wife, don't use harsh or abusive words on your husband. Husband, don't threaten or curse your wife. Words can cause war and can also bring peace into a relationship. Wrong usage of words has scattered many homes and relationships. A husband or wife can fall sick because of harsh/abusive words of their partner. As word can bring sweetness to the soul, it can also bring sorrow and pain. Many people have bitterness in their hearts because of bad words of their partners or loved ones. Some people have vowed not to forgive others because of the degree of pain their words caused them.
Be skillful in the usage of your words especially in your relationship. When you've misunderstanding, learn to still use kind words. Kind words can turn away wrath quickly and even put an end to quarrel. Briddle your tongue when you're angry. Don't open your mouth like tap water and start raining abuses or curses on your partner. Don't say words you'll later regret. Words can lift up and can also bring down. Don't destroy your spouse or children by your words. Some children's futures have been destroyed by the words of their parents especially their mothers. Cultivate the habit of speaking helpful words to your children no matter what they do. There're different kind of health challenges bad words can cause. For example, mental sickness (dull child), financial sickness (poverty), physical sickness (sickness in the body like frequent fever, pain or headache), loss of self-esteem (lacking self-confidence to take hold of the future) etc.
Since words come from our heart, they reveal who we are. We can't hide our true nature, our words will betray us. Remember, you can't speak rightly until you're filled with right words. Therefore, fill your heart with right and helpful words like God's words and other motivational words; for out of that abundance you'll speak words that heal, lift up, encourage, bless and comfort others.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Herein is LOVE, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. This kind of love is shown to unlovable, difficult people; the set of people who will not reciprocate your kind gesture. Love is not waiting for others to care for you first, it's being proactive in your action of love. It's acting without expecting anything in return. When love is attached to what I can get, it's not love anymore, it's selfishness.
The God kind of love we're talking about is selfless; it's for 100% good of others because everything God did was for our benefits. Love is not love unless it's selfless. Be generous in your giving to others. Also, be generous in your giving to God without expecting more blessing. If we give to God in order to bless us more, that is called bribery or selfishness, that is not love. Remember, God has already blessed us with everything we will ever need for life and godliness, so we don't need to bribe him.
Don't give for the purpose of getting something in return; if we do, we won't be different from the politicians. Give with generous heart. Give passionately and selflessly because that is the major way of showing love to others. Show selfless love to your spouse, strangers , siblings, workers etc. It's the major way of making this world a better place to be.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
A delilah kind of woman is a woman who uses the secrets of her husband against him. She divulges her husband's secrets to the enemy. She always look for the downfall of her husband. She values the bribe of her husband's enemy more than the love of marriage. She will do everything possible to vex her husband to death just to reveal his secret. She values money more than love. She only loves the might, power or position of her husband. This kind of woman can reduce a giant to a morsel of bread.
Samson, the great, mighty man of valour, a man of war, was reduced to the level of entertaining his enemy after his eyes were plucked out. The question is; was this woman present when all these things happened? Delilah kind of woman is heartless and wicked. This kind of woman is greedy for material gain. She can betray her family for wealth.
When you see a woman revealing your secrets to friends, family or strangers, flee from such. Don't allow this woman to destroy your destiny. FLEE from Delilah kind of woman. Your life is at stake. May you not end your life like Samson.
Friday, September 6, 2019
According to Matt. 16:18, Jesus said, "........ I will build my church , and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." The church here means assembly or congregation of the saints ........ but Ephesians 2: 21-22 (NIV) opened our eyes how Christ will carry out the building, it says ........ "In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord ............ And in Him you too are being built together to become a dwelling.......... in which God lives by His Spirit."
Christ carries out the building project of the saints by building us together ............. to form an edifice of a whole building since each of us is a temple. Christ puts many temples of the saints together to form one building. Therefore, we can now become too strong for the devil ......... then the gates of hell shall never prevail against the church.
The cement for this building is LOVE. When the saints of God are cemented together by LOVE .......... we shall be too strong for the gates of hell. Until we're joined together by LOVE ....... we'll still be preys to the devil.
Sunday, September 1, 2019
Little things matter a lot in life and relationships. Maybe that is why the Holy Book says, "As dead flies cause even a bottle of perfume to stink, so a little foolishness spoils great wisdom and honour. If your partner is complaining of a perticular behaviour of yours, learn to take to correction. Don't despise it. Work hard to stop the act because little things repeatedly done become great things. If you don't listen and continue in the act, it might lead to break up when your partner can't take it anymore. At that time, it will be too late to make an ammendment. This particular conduct might look nothing to you but it's a big problem to your partner.
Some people are yet to fathom the reason their partners break up with them. They might even be in a good term a day before the break up. The reason might be, you have frustrated your partner with your bad conduct. Like I said earlier, this conduct may be nothing to you but it's a big concern to your partner.
There's nobody that is perfect and flawless. But there are some conducts we can tolerate while there are some we can't endure at all. These conducts can even be suffocating to us. We commonly complain of such conducts. Just stop any act your partner always complain of. Don't overlook it. Overlooking such small thing has made some women to be single mothers. Despising this small act has broken many marriages and relationships.
Don't get to a point in your relationship your partner mean nothing to you. Don't lash out your tongues against him/her. No matter the degree of intimacy, respect your partner; honour him/her and you will have heaven on earth relationship. LOVECOACH.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
I don't know why some girls still never learn; why "sense no dey some girls' heads". A guy is habitually cheating on you and he's saying he won't do such in marriage; and you swallow those lies hook, line and sinker. Permit me to use the language of Paul "who has bewitched you?" Marriage does not make a guy responsible. Marriage will never suddenly make a guy a saint. If he's not responsible or faithful now, he will still be irresponsible or unfaithful in marriage. I don't care how long you have been in such relationship, OPT OUT NOW. You've to drive out Canaanite, Jebusite, Hittite and Perrizite-kind of guy or lady out of your life if you want to fulfill destiny. Move out of that unfruitful relationship. Any relationship that does not add to you but keep subtracting or dividing you does not worth it.
Remember, you've one life, so use it well. Relationship is not by force; it's by mutual understanding, dedication and responsibility. There're many far-better girls or guys out there who will give you peace and joy. Don't be fearful to opt out. Don't ever believe the lie that all girls or guys are the same . That is the bondage of remaining in an abusive relationship. I think you now have the courage to act now. Be out of that slavery relationship. I look forward to hearing from you.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
God warned the Israelites that if they fail to drive out completely the Canaanites, Hittites, Jebusites and the Perrizites, they will be torn in their flesh and snares unto them; but the Israelites disobeyed. They started cohabiting with some of them till this day. It's very difficult to drive them out now because executing a task is time-bound. You will discover that these non-Israelites eventually became torns in their flesh and snares unto them by suffering the Israelites.
Let's apply this to relationship. There are some people you should not even date at all. There are some people you should not be intimate with. Because they will be torns in your fresh by causing you pain and sorrow. They will be snare to you by becoming a cog in the wheel of your progress. Dating, courtship or friendship is not by force. Any relationship that is consistently causing you sorrow or hindering your progress should be dumped with immediate effect. You opt out by driving such person out of your life. Don't manage relationship with the unfaithful. Don't endure a guy who beats you. That's not love; it's pure hatred. Remember, relationship is not by force; it's by understanding, dedication and responsibility.
#Relationship betterment
#Relationship betterment
Saturday, August 17, 2019
You ought to be like the two Centurions recorded in the Holy Book. One was moved by the suffering of his servant and persuaded Jesus for his servant's healing; the other gave alms to the poor to the extent that our heavenly Father took notice. God took notice of the giving of an unbeliever despite His busy schedule? That is serious! This guy's giving must have positively transformed lives. The poor are in the heart of God. He cares for them to the extent that when Jesus opened the book of Isaiah, He read, "to preach the gospel to the poor."
One of the major ways of showing love to others is by GIVING. Giving can come in any form. It's not necessary to be rich before you give. Getting help is another way of showing love. The first Centurion couldn't heal but he got someone (Jesus) who could heal his servant. Don't wait till you have before you start giving. Use your influence or position to get help for others. For example, someone is in need of a job and you know someone who can help him out, why not connect the job seeker to the person. Many people have gotten jobs through this way. Using your influence to get help for others is one of the best ways of showing love. This makes your light shine before men your good works will make the heart of men sing for joy and glorify our heavenly Father.
Remember, be NICE to others, don't be mean if you don't want hard life.
Monday, August 12, 2019
The Holy Book says, "Love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your might and the second is LIKE UNTO IT, love your neighbour as yourself". The part of the scripture that was written by the brother of our Saviour threw more light on this; he says, "if a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?" It offers that the litmus test for your love for God is loving others especially your brother in faith. If you don't love others and claim you love God, you're a BIG LIAR. Love is not shown only by words but also by ACTION. It must be seen in your behaviour or character or personality .
A person that is full of love is ever ready to help others; he's compassionate and ever ready to draw pepole out of the pit of suffering, hunger or pain. What touches others touches him. He feels the pain of others. People of the world call this "BEING NICE" but Christians call it "LOVE". If a person is nice, that person is showing love to others.
One part of the scripture says, "whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?" If the suffering of others does not move you, you need deliverance. You must be moved by the problems of those you claim you love.
Thursday, August 8, 2019
"To whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little." This was said by the Saviour of the world. It offers that to whom much is forgiven, the same loves much. Forgiveness strengthens the bond of love. That must be the reason the Holy Book says "Love covers a multitude of sins." It offers that to have more love in a relationship is to have more forgiveness. Don't pray for more love, pray for more grace to forgive your partner; because, forgiveness will strengthen the bond of love between you and your partner.
When your partner offends you, take that opportunity to strengthen the bond of love by instant forgiveness. Permit me to borrow the word of Napoleon hill which says " In the midst of difficulty lies opportunity." It means that in the midst of that offence lies the opportunity to increase your partner's love for you through forgiveness. Love increases to the level of offences which can be forgiven. It's not easy to forgive especially when the event is very painful. Let's pray for grace to forgive. Forgiveness not only increases the bond of love but also releases an individual from the bondage of bitterness.
When you forgive, it doesn't mean you will forget the pain immediately. At times, forgetting the pain may take time. It might take weeks, months, even years depending on the degree of pain. You may ask, "how can I know I have truly forgive others?" It's when the matter comes to your remembrance without bitterness or anger towards the offender. If you still feel bitterness, anger or revenge, you have not truly forgiven from the bottom of your heart. Forgiveness is from the heart and not only from the mouth. Remember, to whom much is forgiven, the same loves much. Increase your partner's love for you by sincerely forgiving him/her.
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
The greatest prophet said "the last shall be the first." This principle is practised when you're on the queue. As those in your front are attended to, your own turn will come. Even though you're the last person on the queue, you'll soon be the first. This principle can't work without patience. Without patience, the last person cannot be the first. When your friends are getting engaged or married, buying cars or building houses, don't be discouraged. Even if you are the last person, it will soon be your turn. Their success will only move you to the front; so, rejoice with them.
With patience, it will also be your turn. Don't jump the queue, it will only jeopardise your destiny. Because your friends are getting married, don't just marry anybody. You might end up in a sorrowful marriage that will make you regret for life. Some people will marry at 20, 22, 28 or even 32. It's better to know your time. Don't be impatient because God makes everything good in its time. Marry the right person; be engaged to the right person. Don't allow impatience make you date the wrong person. Remember, by jumping the queue you can jump into a pit. Therefore, be patient.
Friday, August 2, 2019
Don't despise anything you do effortlessly because some people are finding them difficult to do. For example, if you have a gift of writing, locate an area of interest and start writing. Post your write up on the social media. Allow the world to benefit from your light.
If it's speaking or cooking, make a short video of your talent, upload it on Facebook, Instagram or YouTube for the world to see. Don't allow what you studied in university hide your talent. Don't allow your age to hinder your talent from coming to limelight.
This is my advice to the great fathers and mothers of this generation especially Africa parents. If you see your child having a flare for something or gifted in a particular area like drama, comedy, singing or soccer, don't kill that desire by continuously rebuking your child anytime he/she is showcasing his/her talent.
There are many great footballers like Messi; great authors like Chimamanda Adichie; great actors like Alex Ekubo; great bloggers like Linda Ikeji; great comedians like AY or Basketmouth; great singers like Frank Edward whose talents have been buried because their parents wanted them to become Doctors, Engineers, Nurses or Pharmacists. This has to stop. Allow your children to become what they love doing. Be a talent hunter, not a talent killer.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
The bible says "You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."
It offers that you have something that can change the world, making it better. There is a great treasure in you the whole world is waiting to see. The only way the world can see this great treasure is by making it known. Allow people to know what you're capable of doing. Don't hide it. Don't put it under a bushel. Don't allow shame and fear bury your talent and potential. Allow it to shine to the world. Many of us have potentials, skills or gifts people don't know of like writing, singing, speaking, etc. Even your spouse or friends don't know you can sing, write or cook excellently. They can't know unless you advertise yourself by doing and showcasing this treasure.
This generation is so blessed with advance in technology. You can easily let your light shine to the world through the power of social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp). Don't hide that skill of writing. Don't hide that gift of speaking. Don't hide that gift of helping. Don't hide that gift of motivating/encouraging people. This can be a pointer to your purpose in life.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Don't focus on what is lacking in your relationship (whether in dating, courtship or marriage) because what you focus on expands and multiplies. Be like Christ who was faced with the challenge of feeding multitudes of 5 000 men excluding children and women. If we're to do the rough estimate of the multitudes, they will be approximately 25, 000 people assuming women population was twice of men, and each of them came with at least a child.
Jesus focused on what they had left ( 5 loaves and 2 fishes ) but the disciples focused on what they didn't have. By giving thanks on these loaves and fishes, about 25, 000 people were fed with 12 baskets full of fragments left.
Focus on the good part of your relationship especially marriage and give thanks. You'll see favour, peace and progress. But if a relationship is so toxic to you that it's negatively affecting your emotions, health or spiritual life, don't hesitate to leave such a relationship if you see no changes after applying aforementioned principles. Remember, bless your relationship often, do not curse.
Friday, July 19, 2019
God values rest to the extent He gave rest to the land. The book of Leviticus says "What grows of its own accord of your harvest you shall not reap, nor gather the grapes of your intended vine, FOR IT IS A YEAR OF REST FOR THE LAND. If God could rest after six days of work, there is no human being that should not value rest. Rest precedes productivity. After resting, you become alert, creature and more productive. It confers wisdom and clarity.
Rest was so important that God declared a day as a Sabbath day for Holy Rest - it's a day of NO WORK. If people can value this gift from God, we'll have more productivity and excellence. People will be basking in the glory of healthy living. Be reminded that the time of rest should not be more than the time of work. God wants us to work for 6 days and rest on the 7th day. It means there is more work than rest. It is a sluggard (lazy fool) that rests more than he/she works. Solomon with the wisdom of God described vividly the end of this man. He said, "A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, so shall your poverty come like a prowler and your need like an armed man." Too much of rest leads to want and poverty. Remember, the number of your work days should be more than the number of your rest days.
Saturday, June 15, 2019
Age and degree alone can never bring maturity; it's insight from God's word that brings maturity. One part of the bible says "desire the sincere milk of God's word that ye may grow". The reason we have many broken homes and relationships is because some people are not growing. They think age, degree or money only confers growth. Absolutely NO! It's your level of insight on the word of God. It's possible to have understanding than the ancients if only you make God's word your meditation. Any relationship can be restored and become heaven on earth if both partners can grow up by insight on the word God.
No matter the number of your degrees or the amount money in your account, you're still a baby if you are not full of the word.
Even the Holy Book says "man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God". The question is; how are you living? Is it by food only? We have many people living by food only thereby having dead relationships, businesses. No life in their marriages or courtships. The wine of their relationships has become stale. There's no book that can teach you how to love your spouse, children or people passionately and unconditionally except the word of God. Have you forgotten this? Guard your heart above all else, because out of it are the issues (happenings, events) of life. All the events of your life comes from your heart. Destructive marriage or courtship comes from heart. Don't blame the devil. Protect your heart by the word of God. As you change the software or program of your heart, the hardware of your life will also change. You want change in your marriage, courtship or dating relationship, grow up by insight from the word. Don't be too busy for the word of God. Find time for the word no matter what. One hour with the word can save you from regret in your marriage.
You can't be faithful in that relationship without the word of God. How will someone study the book of proverb and still be running after sugar mummy or daddy or slay queens. If someone still does that, he/she lacks understanding of the word. You will find in one part of the book of wisdom written by one of the greatest kings ever lived that "delight in the wife of your youth, let her breasts satisfy you always". Remember, you don't grow by age or degree, but by the word of God.
#Loveimpactor .
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
The holy book says "pray for the peace of Jerusalem; they shall prosper that love thee. Peace be within thy walls; and prosperity within thy palaces. For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, peace be within thee. Because of the house of the LORD our God I will seek thy good." This was written by one of the greatest musicians and instrumentalists of the old testament. Whether we like it or not, our Jerusalem is Nigeria and Africa as a whole. We have to consistently be praying for the peace of Nigeria and Africa.
People say, Africans are poor and many Nigerians live below $1 per day. The question is; do you love this country? Nobody can prosper in a country he/she hates because the wealth secret of that country will not be revealed unto him. One of the grrates lover of Africa is ALIKO DANGOTE. I know you're familiar that name. Some Nigeria musicians even used the name to sing that "I want to be rich like Dangote". He made one profound statement that "if he's given all the money in the world, he will invest it in Africa". You shouldn't be surprised why he's the richest in Africa. He even encourages other Africans in abroad to come and invest in this continent. The question is; "if you have all the money in the world, will you invest it in Africa?" Judge yourself.
Everybody hates our bad leadership, snail-like economy, poverty caused by not working together in love. We must not hate Africa if we want to prosper in it. We can't but love this continent. At least, for the sake of our brothers, sisters, wives, children, the next generation and even our religion, let's love our countries and Africa as a whole. Remember, the goodness of your country will rub on you. Also, the worse of your country will rub on you. Nigerians can testify how they are being treated at International Airports because of bad image. Let's work together to redeem the glory of Africa. Let's put aside the belief that Africa was sold to the devil by our forefathers through idol worshipping. But my argument is, we should be free by now because we're the most religious continent in the world. And Christianity is more than other religions in Africa. You can testify with me that the blood of Jesus is more powerful than the power of the devil. Do you agree that devil is not our problem? We are just under the umbrella of hatred which is hindering the prosperity of Africa. If we're working together in love and looking for the good of our countries, we'll be better of. There'll be enabling environments for innovations, inventions and economy growth.
This trait of love is seen among the whites. I think many of them love their countries passionately. I'm not surprised they are setting the pace in technology , innovations and economy. Until we love our countries, there will be no development. Let's join our hands together to move Africa to greater heights. Remember, united will stand, divided will fall. Africans, let's arise and shine together. Happy Democracy Day to my fellow Nigerians.
Monday, June 3, 2019
In the Holy Book, we're told Christ gave Himself for the church to make them holy, blameless and faultless. He does this by forgiving us our sins (or shortcomings) even in advance. As believers in Christ Jesus, our future sins are already forgiven, that is why we're called saints or holy people. Likewise, husbands ought to give themselves for their own wives, making her blameless, faultless, spotless and glorious. This is possible by forgiving your spouse in advance including those wrongs which are yet to be committed. By this, you will have a glorious wife and relationship. Your woman will not be seen as a problem and your relationship will be heaven on earth.
Also, you can make others blameless, spotless and faultless by forgiving them in advance for any wrong. It offers that before he/she commits any wrong, your forgiveness is already waiting. Your forgiveness swallow up her wrongs. This is how our heavanly Father acts towards believers. He doesn't count our faults against us. His forgiveness (mercy, lovingkindness) swallows up our iniquities (or shortcomings). That is why we're always blameless, faultless and spotless before Him.
Monday, May 27, 2019

Jesus focused on what they had left (5 loaves and 2 fishes) but the disciples focused on what they didn't have. By giving thanks on these loves and two fishes, about 25, 000 people were fed with 12 baskets full of fragments left.
Focus on the good part of your marriage and give thanks. You will see blessing, favour, peace and progress in your marriage. Remember, bless your marriage often, do not curse. Be like Jesus who blessed the 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
One of the proofs of love is talking in a graceful and lovely manner. Marriage is 90% conversation, 10% sex. Know how to talk to your spouse, children, boss, colleagues at work, and even strangers. Because words are like eggs that are very difficult to gather back. Think before you talk. Don't open your mouth to say anything because evil words are very destructive. Some people's mouths are like graveyards from which all manners of curses and abuses come out. Some people's mouths are like a car without a brake. They don't know when to stop talking. The writer of the book of James says "Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so." It offers that the mouth you use to bless shouldn't also be used to abuse or curse others. Your mouth should be a fountain of good words and not a fountain of evil words.
An individual is easily recognised by the content of his words. Some girls are mannerless and careless with words, yet they are praying for husband. Who will marry them? I am not surprised they are still single. Even those of them who eventually got married are having headaches in their marriages. Also, some men don't know how to talk to their wives. They talk to them as slaves. I'm not surprised their marriages are hell-on-earth. Don't forget that you will jutified by your words, you will also be condemned by your words.
Another part of the scriptures, written by one of the great apostles who ever lived, says; " Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one." It implies that your speech must be GRACEFUL AND SALTFUL. For your words to be graceful, it must be full of kindness, pleasure, sweet and concern for others. For your words to be SALTFUL, it must be full of wisdom and also preserving. People should still be referring to the goodness of your words because of the positive impacts in their lives and destinies. This is how to answer anyone and be free from trouble. Graceful words are not automatic; they take their source from knowledge. Even the holy book confirms this by saying "Grace and peace be multiplied unto you in the knowedge of God and Christ Jesus." By increasing your knowledge base (through good books, insightful materials ), you increase your graceful and saltful words. The words that come out of your mouth will be wise, pleasurable and kind. Remember, you can't change the content of your speech until you change the content of your heart. Why? Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh. Thanks.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Patience is one of the attributes of love. Love is patient. Patience makes you to wait for something without annoyance or frustration. Impatience makes you to get angry quickly. Impatience chokes life out of love. A patient individual is full of mercy towards others. A patient man is full of mercy towards his wife and children. A patient boss is full of mercy towards her subordinates. You can't be merciful and not be patient. Also, you can't be patient and not be merciful. For example, a patient woman does not easily shout on her husband or children. A man that is patient can never be the lion of the tribe of his house, so that as he gets home, his children hide in their various "holes."
Patience makes you to tolerate your spouse's mistakes or shortcomings. It makes you to be slow in judging others. One sign of impatience is quick annoyance at the mistakes of others. The holy book praises God by being slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness. It's because He is very patient with humanity. A patient man is abounding in lovingkindness towards others. He's not under pressure because he always maintains his cool. He is not easily agitated. He can't suffer from heart attack. He knows God makes everything beautiful in its time. He doesn't make haste. He waits for his time to come. He's full of compassion towards others especially his wife and children. A patient man seeks understanding in any situation. He's not hasty in words. He/she is full of faith.
Patience also means to be persistent in the face of trials; to possess never-give attitude. It takes to persistence. An impatience man is easily discouraged. An impatience man gives up easily. He/she doesn't push through. He doesn't dig deep. He only scratches the surface. Remember, impatience is costly because it destroys destiny and love.
Monday, April 29, 2019
Love never cages but gives freedom. A caged person feels imprisoned. She will think you don't trust her. Free your partner; allow her to have her own life. Never encroach on the liberty of your partner because it only breeds frustration and mistrust. This attitude has broken many relationships.
Stop trying to know everything your partner does; it only makes you look irritating. Not trusting your partner to have friends even opposite sex as friends can be a sign of low self-esteem or inferiority complex.
The Holy Book says, "I place before you life and death; choose life so you can live." Even our heavenly Father gave us the freedom of choice. We're called by God into "liberty." This liberty is not meant for sin; it's for responsibility. So, giving liberty to your partner confer on her responsibility. She will be happy to see her as a responsible person.
Remember, love gives liberty. Your partner will appreciate it when you give her her own freedom.
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
There is reciprocal kind of love. If God has not loved us, there will be no template for us to love Him. So, don't wait for others (your spouse, fiance, fiancee, friend) to love you first; create a template for them to love you by first showing them love and care. No one rejects love. Everyone wants to be loved and accepted because we all long for acceptance.
Love boosts someone's confidence. Love prolongs life. It breeds acceptance and care. Don't withhold this powerful weapon in the face of disagreement. Don't be overcome by hatred or malice; overcome with love. There is no river love cannot cross. There is no mountain love cannot climb. There is no barrier love cannot overcome. Nothing can hinder the manifestation of love. Don't be shameful in showing love to others because it's foolishness to be shameful of what is gainful.
During this season, show love to others by giving because it's one of the expressions of love. You can't love and not give. Meet the needs of the poor. Don't allow people you know go to bed in hunger and sorrow. Open your heart of love to others. This will result in thanksgivings and praises to our heavenly Father.
Remember, whatever you want others to do to you, take the initiative first and do it to them. Don't wait for others to first meet your needs, meet their needs first. Try to be first in showing love to others. Be the first in meeting the needs of your spouse. Be the first in giving to that poor person you know.
#Relationship betterment
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Husband does not mean the male partner in a marriage, husband means master.
The reason for most problems in Christian marriages is the fact that women refute God’s definition of marriage and form theirs. They believe they are equal partners.
If most women had their fathers bold enough to talk to them, they will be very successful in their marriage and they will be very happy people. Most women have never been taught by their parents, their fathers particularly and that’s their biggest problem because they don’t know who a man is, they think he is another woman.
In marriage, you have the man who is the head of that union and because he’s the head of that union, its important to understand him. You think he’s the one that needs to understand his wife and that is where you are wrong. He will eventually but you have to know the type of man you are married to and his needs.
When you say you are marrying a man, you are coming under his authority. The Bible says, the man is the head of the woman (1 Corinthians 11:3) so when you marry him you come under his authority, you are not authority sharers even though you are both heirs to the kingdom of God.
When you decide not to subject yourself to that authority, you are a rebel and God is not going to accept what you are doing because you are not functioning correctly. Why did God make the woman?
Making woman was not God’s original plan because after God created Adam and before He made Eve, He said in Genesis 1:31 “Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good”. God made woman because of man so woman was not His original idea. This is reality.
Genesis 2:18a “And the Lord God said “for it is not good for a man to be alone..” The Bible didn’t say “lonely” but “alone”. There is a big difference. Man wasn’t lonely but alone. Genesis 2:18b “…I will make him an help meet”. He didn’t say a partner or a supervisor or a special advisor or someone to tell him what to do.
I will make him someone to help him. God gave man a responsibility so woman was made to help man achieve that responsibility. If this is understood in every home then you won’t have problems.
I tell people that you don’t need a marriage seminar, you need the Word Seminar. Let me tell you, no husband wants another mother, he has had one all his life. He doesn’t want an older sister, he probably had one.
Your secret is in obedience, your secret is in listening to your husband, your secret is in doing the things that please him. When you don’t do the things that please him, you take the role of a mother or of an older sister.
A man loves the one he serves (God) and the one that serves him (a good wife). He fights the one that wants to be at the same level with him (a rebellious wife).
To be happy in your family and home is the easiest thing in the world, just take your role. Take your place. That place that God gave you is a beautiful place. Its a place of peace. Its a place of love. It’s a place of excellence. BY REV. CHRIS OYAKHILOME DS.C DD.
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