Sunday, February 3, 2019

Walking in Love is a Sacrifice

    The Holy Book says "And walk in love as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us,  an offering and A SACRIFICE to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.  It offers that showing love to others is an offering unto God; it's a sweet-smelling sacrifice unto our creator. Since love is giving yourself for others; it's none of you and ALL of others. It's NOTHING of you and SOMETHING of others. Love is dying daily for others to live. It's placing others above you in your thought. It's indeed an offering and a sacrifice. This sacrifice is not without a reward. You will be massively blessed if you practice this especially to those who are difficult to relate with. Putting others first requires grace because everyone wants to be first. Remember,  u have been engraced and empowered to show this kind of love. Make the world a better place by showing this love to your neighbour, friends,  colleages, boss etc. #LOVE COACH. #I TEACH-WRITE-SPEAK-COUNSEL. #RELATIONSHIP-BETTERMENT. #LOVE IMPACTOR.