Sunday, January 12, 2020


   Don't give unsolicited advice to men when they seem incompetent in what they are doing. Because men love to be on top of the situation. They feel controlled when you offer such advice. Also,  men love to solve problems on their own.  This they do by going into the cave of "meditation" or "mulling over" the problem or rolling the problem in their minds to find solution. They feel distant by their women. Men just need some time to find solution to their problems, don't be upset women. Don't take it personal.
   Give your man time to think over his problem, he'll appreciate it. Don't seek for attention at this period; be patient. It won't last forever; it's just for a season. He'll soon come out of his cave. The best thing you can do is to trust his judgement on the matter. He makes him feel valued, respected and loved. It's a great error when you start fighting for his attention during this time . Even demanding him to talk to you. Men find find it hard to discuss their problem except when they're seeking for advice. So don't  force him to discuss the issue. He may feel annoyed and controlled. He'll even  feel unloved.
   One of the sweetest things you can do is to say, "Have you been abe to find solution to the problem?"  "I trust your judgment, sweetheart, because you are supersmart". "If you want to discuss it I am available, my love". Look straight into his eyes when saying these. Let him see the passion of love and care in your eyes.  Or move closer and embrace him. Your man will melt in your hands if you can do this.  He'll even be  motivated to discuss the matter.
For counseling or questions, call or WhatsApp this no: 08103085171.
Look forward to hearing from you. Thanks.