Oneness also means to see into each other, fellowship, understanding of why the other person acts or thinks the way he/she does, communion or partnership, friendship, openness and honesty while sameness means carbon copy in terms of behaviour, mindset or attitude which could bring boredom and frustration; thinking and acting the same way which hinders creativity and innovation.
In the Holy Book, our Saviour prayed that " they all may be one, as You, Father are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us....." It does not mean sameness; it implies fellowship with our Father and others; understanding of our heavenly Father and others while still retaining our identities. Our Saviour never prayed for sameness but oneness.
Understanding of the word "Oneness" generates mercy and loving kindness towards others. That is why our Father is slow to anger, and does not easily judge or punish us. Oneness mindset brings harmony in relationships while sameness minset only brings frustration and anger as a result of trying to make the other person be like you.
The Holy Book says "a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and become ONE. In relationships especially marriage, we're meant to be one (in fellowship and understanding of each other's make-up) and not the same (being carbon copy of each other which brings boredom, frustration and lost of one's identity). Our Father loves diversity and creativity. Remember, our Saviour didn't pray for SAMENESS but ONENESS.
nice one