Friday, January 18, 2019


   Relationships are full of mountains and valleys. You sit down to think, analyse and improve on anything in the valley. You even know the way forward and right steps to take in the valley. Mountain is full of ecstasies and pleasures. This  can suspend our reasoning and mentality. Don't give up on love in the valleys of your relationship. It's the time to re-strategise and improve on the relationship. It's time to know what is not working.
   If there's no valley, there will be no mountain. Remember, relationships are not only  made of "express roads", there are potholes and bents. Don't be deceived that relationship will always be sweet with no challenges; these hitches are parts of relationship packages.  A good relationship is not hitch-free, rather,  the pleasures and benefits are more than the challenges. If you look well, the issue might be infinitesimal to the pleasures and benefits.
   Don't allow one or two issues destroy your relationship. Stop focusing on those little challenges, instead, focus on the benefits and pleasures; and pray for grace and wisdom to overcome the challenges.  With heavenly Father on your side,  you'll have heaven on earth relationship. Even the Saviour of the world didn't promise problem-free life. He said,  if we're passing through fire, He is there with us. He told us to be of good cheer because He has overcome the world for us.
   Remember,  there's no perfect partner anywhere; only the person you can cope with. Nobody is without character flaw. If you see anyone you can cope with as HE/SHE IS STRIVING HARD TOWARDS PERFECTION,  you're good to go. I pray this write-up ministers wisdom to your heart. #LOVECOACH. #I-write-teach-speak-counsel. #Relationshipbetterment. #Loveimpactor.