Sunday, March 15, 2020


As I was studying my bible one day, this quote from the greatest Apostle who ever lived jumped out of the page of the scripture (It’s good to study the holy book, if you don’t you are missing a lot). It says, “Everything is lawful, but not everything is beneficial. Everything is lawful, but not everything builds others up”. But I will say….”but not everything builds you up”.
Getting drunk with alcohol maybe lawful but is not beneficial to your health --- could lead to diabetes, liver/kidney disease. Having many girlfriends or boyfriends maybe lawful but is not beneficial to your mental state (lack of focus, unwanted pregnancy), financial state (spending like a prodigal son to impress others), health (HIV/AIDS, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, complications or death as a result of abortion). Telling lies can be lawful but is not beneficial to your integrity. This can tarnish your image among people. Getting a divorce maybe lawful but is not beneficial to your mental state (depression, sorrow, regret, bitterness, hatred), children and health .
Smoking maybe lawful but is not beneficial to your health (damaged lung), mental state (thinking irrationally). Watching movies or chatting from morning till evening maybe lawful but is not beneficial to your destiny. Wearing sexy dresses that reveal your breasts and other private parts of your body maybe lawful and fashionable but is not beneficial to your dignity as a virtuous woman. The list is endless. Think of whatever you are doing that’s lawful but is not beneficial and stop doing it. That thing maybe popular but could be dangerous to your life and destiny. So before doing anything, ask yourself a question “Is it beneficial? Will it add value to me and others?”

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