Saturday, December 29, 2018


   Love gives concentration to the mind. It gives strength and joy. It is the source of inspirational end ideas. Don't ever act as if  you don't fall in love or don't believe in love because it might be disastrous. Don't act as if you're heartless  when you are in love with someone. Reciprocate the love shown by a person to you. Love does not make you weak, it makes you stronger. Not believing in love only leads to loneliness, frustration and depression at the end.
   No matter the level of disappointments from previous relationships, don't ever give up on love; give love a chance.  People give up on love because they think all men and women are the same.  The question I do ask them is "Have you met up to the half of the population of men or women on the earth?" There is what is called random sampling in Statistics. It is random selection from a pool of population to draw a conclusion. It offers that before drawing a conclusion that all men or women are the same, you must go into a relationship with at least one person from each town in all countries in the world which I think it's impossible. So why saying all men or women are the same? There are thousands of men and women out there who will value, appreciate and care for you. Who will not trample upon your  love and turn to attack you.
   Keep trying and don't ignore the danger sign and inward voice of the heart before going into a relationship. Because there are wolves in sheep clothing. Don't ever give up on love or else you will be the only one standing. Remember,  two good hearts are better than one.


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