Some people think they can use gifts to bribe their partners after raining words of abuse on them. Nobody needs your gift after badmouthing them. Gifts become more valuable with kind words. Let's quickly go through the pages of scripture for the story of Jacob and Esau. Jacob sent gifts to Esau his brother to pacify him of cheating him of his birthright. You know that Esau had sworn to kill him. The gifts were nothing to Esau; he might have seen them as a bribe or way of deceptively robbing him. The gifts might even intensify the pain of losing his birthright thereby making him angrier.
However, the moment Esau heard the humble voice of Jacob seeking for his forgiveness by the way he spoke and prostrated seven times before he met him, his anger was pacified; his heart melted. He had compassion upon his brother. Thereby bringing about the fulfillment of this scripture, "A soft answer turneth away wrath; but grievous words stir up anger". His gifts couldn't have pacified Esau.
Kind words work more wonders than gifts. They give weight and value to any gift you give out to your partner or people. Remember, they are not beggars. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Love you so much.