When I was reading my bible….It’s
good to study the Holy Book
This write up of the great
Apostle really blessed me….
I urgently need to share it
Let’s quickly go through the
pages of scriptures….You might be thinking….”Are we in church?” Lol. We are
not. Be patient to read through…it will bless your life
Want to know the bible version I
am using? Okay….I am using NET…..I will leave you to get the full meaning of
that if you don’t know it……Just love this translation because of simplicity and
easy reading
Enough of beating about bush….
Let’s dive into it
“For man did not come from
woman, but woman from man..(1 Cor.1:8)”. This great writer of the new testament
got this from Gen. 2:21-22…….”So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a
deep sleep, and while he was asleep, he took part of the man’s side and close
up the place with flesh. Then the LORD God made woman from the part he had
taken out of the man, and he brought her to man.”
So the next verse of 1
Corinthian we read, says ….Neither was man created for the sake of woman, but
woman for man …that is…..woman was created for the sake of man
Feminists need to know this and gain
Don’t have anything against them;
just don’t like the way they have misled many women. Hope you’re not one of
them? Lol. I love all Feminists. Enough of that…Gbenga. Back to our discussion.
The meaning of the word “sake” can be found in Gen. 2:18…..
The LORD said , “It’s not good
for the man to be alone. I will make a companion for him who corresponds to him.” Let’s quickly
look up the meaning of “companion” and “correspond” in Oxford Advanced Learner’s
We’ve three words that are used
in relation to person…….
1. A person
or an animal that travels with you or spends a lot of time with you
2. A person
who has similar tastes, interests, etc. to your own and whose company you enjoy
3. A person
who shares in your work, pleasures, sadness etc.
Companionship means “the pleasant
feeling that you have when you are in friendly relationship with somebody and
are not alone.” I think this definition brings out the true meaning of “companion”
A companion is someone who you are in
FRIENDLY relationship with and who kills your loneliness….
This definition is in agreement
with God’s statement “It’s not good for the man to be ALONE”
What’s the function of a woman
to a man? I think you know the answer now…..For companionship and to kill man’s
loneliness. It offers that if a woman can do this, she has her man forever. It will
be very hard for such a man to be unfaithful.
Women, listen. Hearken to this
instruction…..open your heart to this word of understanding….
Don’t ever leave your man lonely
I know you’re asking how to
keep the company of a man and kill his loneliness…
Look forward to my next post.
Stay loved