Age and degree alone can never bring maturity; it's insight from God's word that brings maturity. One part of the bible says "desire the sincere milk of God's word that ye may grow". The reason we have many broken homes and relationships is because some people are not growing. They think age, degree or money only confers growth. Absolutely NO! It's your level of insight on the word of God. It's possible to have understanding than the ancients if only you make God's word your meditation. Any relationship can be restored and become heaven on earth if both partners can grow up by insight on the word God.
No matter the number of your degrees or the amount money in your account, you're still a baby if you are not full of the word.
Even the Holy Book says "man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God". The question is; how are you living? Is it by food only? We have many people living by food only thereby having dead relationships, businesses. No life in their marriages or courtships. The wine of their relationships has become stale. There's no book that can teach you how to love your spouse, children or people passionately and unconditionally except the word of God. Have you forgotten this? Guard your heart above all else, because out of it are the issues (happenings, events) of life. All the events of your life comes from your heart. Destructive marriage or courtship comes from heart. Don't blame the devil. Protect your heart by the word of God. As you change the software or program of your heart, the hardware of your life will also change. You want change in your marriage, courtship or dating relationship, grow up by insight from the word. Don't be too busy for the word of God. Find time for the word no matter what. One hour with the word can save you from regret in your marriage.
You can't be faithful in that relationship without the word of God. How will someone study the book of proverb and still be running after sugar mummy or daddy or slay queens. If someone still does that, he/she lacks understanding of the word. You will find in one part of the book of wisdom written by one of the greatest kings ever lived that "delight in the wife of your youth, let her breasts satisfy you always". Remember, you don't grow by age or degree, but by the word of God.
#Loveimpactor .