Monday, May 27, 2019


Don't focus on what is lacking in your marriage because what you focus on expands and multiplies.  Be like Christ who was faced with the challenge of feeding multitudes of 5 000 men excluding children and women. If we're to do the rough estimate of the multitudes,  they will be about 25, 000 assuming women population was twice of men, and each of them came with at least a child.
    Jesus focused on what they had left (5 loaves and 2 fishes) but the disciples focused on what they didn't have. By giving thanks on these loves and two fishes, about 25, 000 people were fed with 12 baskets full of fragments left.
   Focus on the good part of your marriage and give thanks. You will see blessing, favour,  peace and progress in your marriage. Remember, bless your marriage often, do not curse. Be like Jesus who blessed the 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes.

Saturday, May 18, 2019


   One of the proofs of love is talking in a graceful and lovely manner. Marriage is 90% conversation, 10% sex. Know how to talk to your spouse, children, boss, colleagues at work, and even strangers. Because words are like eggs that are very difficult to gather back. Think before you talk. Don't open your mouth to say anything because evil words are very destructive. Some people's mouths are like graveyards from which all manners of curses and abuses come out. Some people's mouths are like a car without a brake. They don't know when to stop talking. The writer of the book of James says "Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so." It offers that the mouth you use to bless shouldn't also be used to abuse or curse others. Your mouth should be a fountain of good words and not a fountain of evil words.  
   An individual is easily recognised by the content of his words.  Some girls are mannerless and careless with words, yet they are praying for husband. Who will marry them? I am not surprised they are still single. Even those of them who eventually got married are having headaches in their marriages.  Also, some men don't know how to talk to their wives. They talk to them as slaves. I'm not surprised their marriages are hell-on-earth. Don't forget that you will jutified by your words, you will also be condemned by your words. 
   Another part of the scriptures, written by one of the great apostles who ever lived, says; " Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one." It implies that your speech must be GRACEFUL AND SALTFUL. For your words to be graceful, it must be full of kindness, pleasure,  sweet and concern for others. For your words to be SALTFUL,  it must be full of wisdom and also preserving.  People should still be referring to the goodness of your words because of the positive impacts in their lives and destinies.  This is how to answer anyone and be free from trouble. Graceful words are not automatic; they take their source from knowledge. Even the holy book confirms this by saying "Grace and peace be multiplied unto you in the knowedge of God and Christ Jesus." By increasing your knowledge base (through good books, insightful materials ), you increase your graceful and saltful words. The words that come out of your mouth will be wise, pleasurable and kind. Remember,  you can't  change the content of your speech until you change the content of your heart. Why? Out of the abundance of the heart,  the mouth speaketh.  Thanks.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


   Patience is one of the attributes of love. Love is patient. Patience makes you to wait for something without annoyance or frustration.  Impatience makes you to get angry quickly. Impatience chokes life out of love.  A patient individual is full of mercy towards others. A patient man is full of mercy towards his wife and children. A patient boss is full of mercy towards her subordinates.  You can't be merciful and not be patient. Also, you can't be patient and not be merciful. For example, a patient woman does not easily  shout on her husband or children. A man that is patient can never be the lion of the tribe of his house, so that as he gets home,  his children hide in their various "holes."
   Patience makes you to tolerate your spouse's mistakes or shortcomings. It makes you to be slow in  judging others. One sign of impatience is quick annoyance at the mistakes of others. The holy book praises God by being slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness. It's because He is very patient with humanity. A patient man is abounding in lovingkindness towards others. He's not under pressure because he always maintains his cool.  He is not easily agitated.  He can't suffer from heart attack. He knows God makes everything beautiful in its time. He doesn't make haste. He waits for his time to come. He's full of compassion towards others especially his wife and children. A patient man seeks understanding in any situation.  He's not hasty in words.  He/she is full of faith.
  Patience also means to be persistent in the face of trials; to possess never-give attitude. It takes to persistence.  An impatience man is easily discouraged. An impatience man gives up easily. He/she doesn't push through. He doesn't dig deep. He only scratches the surface.  Remember,  impatience is  costly because it destroys destiny and love.